Security and health at work
SST Activities
Varichem de Colombia has an Occupational Health and Safety license – SST – for the development of the following activities:
- Consulting, advice, design and implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
- Training in Safety and Health at Work.
- Investigation of work accidents.
- HSEQ internal audits.
- Design and development of SST plans for specific activities in the field.
- SST audit and/or management during the execution of activities or projects.
- Review of compliance with health and safety standards prior to start-up.
PESV Activities
- Consulting, advice, design and implementation of the PESV Strategic Road Safety Plan.
- Training in road risk prevention.
- PESV audit.
Chemical Product Safety Activities
Consulting, advice, design and implementation of the Globally Harmonized System.
Training in Chemical Products
Emergency Management
- Consulting, advice, prevention plan design, preparation and response to emergencies.
- Emergency response training (first aid – firefighting – spill control)
- Incident command system training – advanced
- Design and execution of emergency prevention, preparation and response drills.